Case pcfruit - EVA
pcfruit needed a thorough update and expansion of their software application. The new solution makes farm management more efficient by simplifying planning, recording and reporting. The app can also be used for other agricultural sectors. In short, the solution is an important first step toward smart farming.
Pcfruit needed a thorough update and expansion of their software application. The new solution makes farm management more efficient by simplifying planning, recording and reporting. The app can also be used for other agricultural sectors. In short, the solution is an important first step toward smart farming.
Our software solution delivers:
- Support for simplified administration
- Support for legal obligations
- A visualization of the plot location
- A validation of internal research with IoT
- Research of new business value
- Providing a basis for precision agriculture with IOT/GIS
Following technologies were used:
AWS, Terraform, Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Hibernate Angular, Github actions
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