Want to become part of our team?

Would you like to work with our passionate team of "Kunlaborators"? Take a look at our vacancies or send us your spontaneous application.


We currently have no vacancies, but feel free to send us your spontaneous application!
Werknemers van Kunlabora in meeting

What makes working at Kunlabora so unique?

Dynamic team

Together you are stronger and able to pool all the knowledge. Whether collaborating with colleagues or with customers, we believe in growing together and arriving at the best tailor-made solution together.

Knowledge sharing

To expand employees' skills, we are committed to in-service training and knowledge sharing. We believe that learning new skills adds great value to both employees and customers.

Flat structure

Self-managing teams join forces to make the software development process as smooth as possible. Teamwork adds to job satisfaction.

Personal development

Besides expanding work-related knowledge, it is also important to us that everyone can grow personally. There is always room for initiative and ownership.

Apply spontaneously

Is your dream job not listed (yet)? Fill in your details below, add your CV and motivation letter, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Apply spontaneously

You have applied! What now?


First of all, our recruitment team (consisting of our own "Kunlaborators") determines whether your profile is a match for us.


Is it a match? Then we will schedule an introductory meeting to get to know each other better.


If we both feel a connection, you will be invited to do a practical test with our colleagues at the office.


During this exercise, we test your knowledge and cooperation skills. Afterwards, we will decide whether you can go for an interview with the managing partners.


After this final interview, a decision will be made on whether you will become our new "Kunlaborator". Very exciting!

Gesolliciteerd! En nu?


Allereerst bepaalt ons recruitment team (bestaande uit onze eigen Kunlaboranten) of jouw profiel een match is met ons.


Is het een match? Dan plannen we een kennismakingsgesprek in om elkaar beter te leren kennen.


Wanneer we allebei een klik hebben, word je uitgenodigd om een oefening te komen maken met onze collega’s op kantoor.


Tijdens deze oefening testen we jouw kennis en samenwerkingsvermogen. Aansluitend beslissen we of je op gesprek mag gaan met de managingpartners.


Na dit laatste gesprek wordt er beslist of je onze nieuwe Kunlaborant wordt. Spannend!