Fonds GaVoorGeluk

The GavoorGeluk Fund works to prevent depression and suicide in Flanders. It wants to make young people resilient and create new good practices. It is part of the Flemish Suicide Prevention Action Plan and includes various initiatives such as Warm Schools, Warm Cities and Municipalities and Warm William.

Fonds GavoorGeluk
Onderwijs / Welzijn

Warm Schools are places where attention is paid to everyone's individuality and talents. A Warm School aims to get every child excited about learning and living.

Need for a digital learning platform

The fund was looking for a platform that would inform and warm up schools and public boards to take the step of becoming a Warm School themselves. Besides informing, the platform also had to be a learning platform for schools and municipalities.

Specifically, the Fund wanted to develop a single platform with an open and closed section and with its own identity for the various projects. This platform has a recognizable structure that makes it possible to look at the different projects and get an overview of the strategy and advocacy.

Kunlabora developed a digital solution that helped the GavoorGeluk Fund achieve its objectives and create a closer connection between all the different projects.

Used technologies:

Strapi, Angular 12, Serverless AWS Lambda

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