

Screen of Heder

Project details





Delivered services

Service Blueprint, Launcher, Care


February 2021 - March 2021


AWS dynamodb, AWS cognito, Angular, Angular Material, Node.js, Express, serverless framework, jitsi meet

People with 'more' and 'less' abilities are often stuck alone at home for a multitude of reasons (like mobility challenges or covid). That means they often miss out on social events and are left feeling disconnected or lonely. To counter this, Heder wanted to organise online events and activities in an accessible and inviting way, putting people at ease.​

Our solution:

  • a demonstrator to validate the value of a digital platform in this setting
  • a digital platform where Heder's clients can sign up and register for all kinds of online activities
  • clients can participate in activities through integrated video meetings
  • highly accessible: register & participate or unsubscribe in a few clicks