
Digipolis Antwerpen - Beheer je Vereniging

Screen of Beheer je Vereniging

Project details


City of Antwerp


Public sector: regional government

Delivered services

Service Blueprint, Launcher, Amplifier, Care


November 2020 - March 2022


ACPaaS, DAAS, SA2020, microservices, Angular, NodeJS, Express, REST API, MongoDB

A city like Antwerp has many associations on its territory. To optimise and centralise services to citizens, the first cornerstone was laid with CRS-V (Central Reference System for Associations).​

  • In this application, citizens and city employees work around the management of official and de facto associations. The system uses a flexible data model, which is based on the OSLO data model for organisations and can be extended to different domains.
  • The APIs follow the JSON-LD standard and are OSLO compatible. The back-office application is fully integrated into ACPaaS.