Case Zorg Leuven – Zorg@HOME application

Zorg Leuven was looking for a mobile web application that would allow their home care workers to easily consult a to-do list when working on location with their clients. In addition, Zorg Leuven seized the opportunity to completely digitize their operations.

Zorg Leuven

Until now, the organization still worked with paper checklists. Communication between home care, regional managers and therapists about tasks and clients was fully integrated into the app. The result? No more chaotic email communication in the workplace.

App The development of a Progressive Web App

To fund the development, Zorg Leuven received a grant from the King Baudouin Foundation. The healthcare agency also wanted to share the application with other organizations, so multi-tenancy was an important aspect.

With that information, the developers on the Kunlabora team developed an accessible and secure Progressive Web App:

  • Through the app, home care providers can create a visually supported task summary for their clients.
  • The app provides quality support and direct lines of communication with the area manager and therapist.
  • Thanks to the app, Zorg Leuven enjoys efficient internal communication and coordination with recommendations.
  • Therapists get an additional glimpse into the well-being of caregivers and clients by working, for example, with signal cards that the home caregiver fills out.

The technologies used were:

AWS dynamodb, AWS cognito, Angular, Node.js, serverless framework

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