
Digipolis Antwerpen - OOR 3.0

OOR mobile app screens

Project details


City of Antwerp - Digipolis



Delivered services

Service Blueprint, Launcher, Amplifier, Care


October 2021 - March 2022


ACPaaS, DAAS, SA2020, microservices, Angular, NodeJS, Express, REST API, MongoDB

The City of Antwerp and their IT partner Digipolis envisioned a tool supporting participatory policy in urban development. They aspired to inform people about (urban) projects and let them share their opinion at different stages of a project. These opinions should then be transformed into useful input for policymakers and stakeholders so they can adjust their plans accordingly.

We delivered two solutions:​

  • A mobile website where people can easily find information about ongoing (and completed) projects and give their opinion.​
  • A web application in which city employees can clean, analyse and visualise survey data in an interactive dashboard.​